NBA Star Jaylen Brown’s Sci-Fi-Inspired Clothing
I am wicked excited about this because I love any chance to talk about the Boston Celtics! Celtics star Jaylen Brown is an NBA championship winner, a Finals MVP, and a National Basketball Players Association vice president. But did you know he’s also a genius? It’s true! He is the youngest person to ever hold a lecture at Harvard, and NASA wanted him to work for them. (And it’s not at all surprising that his idol is Bill Nye the Science Guy.)
Brown also has his own line of shoes, 741, and the company just released a line of science fiction-inspired clothes. “I love science fiction, I love futurism, so I’m expressing myself creatively through that,” said Brown. I don’t think I can justify spending $125 on a hoodie, but if I was going to splurge, I would definitely get the Rover sneakers because, oooo shiny.