How to Educate New Growers on the Benefits of Biologicals

Global Insight Series 2024 on Biological Crop Protection cover

Global Insight Series on Biological Crop Protection report cover | MMW

The benefits of biological controls for crop protection are no longer debatable. The continuing effectiveness and efficiency of this technology in the field is a great and needed boon for the agricultural and horticultural industries to combat the challenges of environmental concerns, market demands, strict regulations, and more.

However, while the technological side of biological crop protection is keeping pace, the understanding of its application, benefits, and uses among growers has been more of a challenge. Therefore, many industry experts are stepping up to bridge the gap through education and lines of communication.

In the new Biological Crop Protection report from Meister Media Worldwide (owner of Greenhouse Grower) as part of the Global Insight Series, readers can learn more about how education among growers is helping to advance the continued and increasing success in the application of biologicals, including:

  • How new growers should be onboarded into the industry
  • How to develop a complete program that incorporates multiple products
  • Judging the strengths and weaknesses of different products
  • The changing preferences of consumers and retailers
  • The importance of communication between growers and manufacturers
  • The proper storage precautions to take for microbial pesticides
  • The resources that university extension programs provide

Thanks to the digital nature of this report, you can read analysis and information provided by expert contributors and hear directly from them through video insights.

They’ve Done Their Horticulture Homework; Now You Can, Too

The Biological Crop Protection report is the third entry in the Global Insight Series for 2024. For those interested in catching up on previous entries, including Irrigation Technology and Climate Smart Farming, we invite you to view these reports as part of the Global Insight Series, with contributions from other MMW publications, including AgriBusiness Global, American Fruit Grower, CropLife, and more.

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