Bogged down by busywork? Here’s how to optimize high-priority tasks

John Livingston is a senior consultant at Well Built Construction Consulting, a Baltimore-based firm that delivers strategic consulting, facilitation services and peer roundtables for construction executives. Opinions are the author’s own.

Construction professionals often find themselves juggling numerous tasks, deadlines and responsibilities. The concept of keeping track of how each day is spent can seem like an additional burden in an already hectic schedule. 

However, understanding and implementing effective time tracking is not just about recording hours; it’s about gaining valuable insights into how you allocate your most precious resource: your time. By focusing on foundational tasks, time tracking can significantly reduce stress and enhance overall well-being.

To start, think of your workday as a detailed blueprint. Each section of the blueprint represents different tasks and activities. The foundational elements are your most important, high-priority tasks — the ones that truly move your projects forward and contribute significantly to your professional success. 

headshot of John Livingston

John Livingston

Permission granted by Well Built Construction Consulting


The secondary elements represent less critical tasks, while the minor details symbolize the smaller, often time-consuming activities that can fill your day.

If you focus too much on the minor details first, the foundational elements may not receive the attention they need. Similarly, if you spend your time on low-value tasks, you’ll struggle to fit in your most important work. By tracking your time, you gain a clear picture of how you’re filling your blueprint, allowing you to prioritize those crucial elements effectively.

Time tracking provides a mirror to your work habits, revealing where your hours are truly spent. Many project managers and estimators are surprised to discover how much time they dedicate to less critical tasks, often at the expense of their most important responsibilities. This awareness is the first step toward more effective time management.

By consistently tracking your time, you’ll start to recognize patterns. Perhaps you’re spending an inordinate amount of time on administrative tasks that could be delegated or streamlined. Or maybe you’re underestimating the time required for crucial project planning, leading to rushed decisions later. 

This knowledge empowers you to make informed adjustments to your work routine, ultimately reducing the stress that comes from feeling overwhelmed by unfinished tasks.

Time allocation

In construction, it’s common for tasks to become urgent due to poor time management. A project deadline that seemed far off suddenly looms large, or a minor issue neglected early on escalates into a major problem. Time tracking helps you allocate sufficient time to important tasks before they become urgent crises.

By dedicating appropriate time to your foundational elements early on — whether it’s thorough project planning, risk assessment or client communication — you reduce the likelihood of last-minute scrambles and the stress they bring. This proactive approach not only improves the quality of your work but also enhances your professional reputation and personal well-being.

For example, you might discover that you’re spending excessive time in unproductive meetings. Armed with this information, you can work to make meetings more efficient or reduce their frequency. 

The result? More time for substantive work that drives project success and less stress from feeling pulled in multiple directions.

In addition, accurate time tracking provides invaluable data for future project planning and estimates. By understanding how long tasks take, you can create more realistic schedules and budgets. This not only improves your efficiency but also enhances your credibility with clients and team members.

Over time, this data allows you to refine your estimates, leading to more accurate bids and proposals. In the competitive construction industry, this precision can be a significant advantage, helping you win contracts while ensuring profitability and reducing the stress associated with financial uncertainty.

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